Did you know one of the most popular porn categories right now your kids are watching is Incest Porn.

Having a huge amount of experience interviewing people as a Police investigator since 2001, you develop an insight in to what makes people do what they do in a given situation.

Combine that with years of constant study of Psychology, Cyberpsychology and public speaking, you develop this innate ability to read the faces of your audiences reaction to the content you are delivering.

Right now your kids are accessing porn online. Most kids we speak to, tell us openly they have free reign and access to everything unimaginable online.

We are looking at young girls being horrified by their online interactions with classmates driven by the influence of sites like @pornhub.

We see young male teens think it’s all a laugh and a joke when we initially mention the Step dad, mom, brother sister porn content they now access. You literally can see their amusement and surprise that you know what they are viewing.

This is incest porn. Where do you to from there when you become bored with this taboo content.

Sometimes after speaking to young people you genuinely feel like you have no hope of saving innocence. It’s difficult to watch children tell you about what they are exposed too, that until now have never disclosed to anyone.

Their parents are oblivious to it all because they are too afraid to speak to them.

It takes a village to raise a child. Right now we are failing all kids because the online village has full controll.

We are raising a porn generation without realising or utilising our own ability or responsibility to protect kids.

Government need to address online harm. But parents need to step up and do more also. Get your head out of your ass folks and wake up.

Look at the sites yourselves and see what destructive content is filling your kids heads.

You gave your kids devices, this is your responsibility. If you fail to protect them, there will be consequences.

Things are far worse than you can imagine. Act now. Literally, we are asking you to save your children from being victims.

Children of the Digital Age
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By Children of the Digital Age

We offer Workshops and Courses both Nationally and Internationally for Parents, Children and Workplace Staff and Conferences, on Cyber Safety, Parental Controls, Online Addiction, Online Privacy, also Consultancy on Social Engineering and Data Protection, Ransome Ware and much more. For further information Please Contact Us codainfo@protonmail.com

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