Children of the Digital Age

Screen Addiction


Screen Addiction


Digital devices offer so many benefits to us in the way that we can communicate with each other. In an instant find out anything that we might have an interest in, or simply book tickets for a concert, even see the relatives in Countries far from Ireland in real time, as we speak to them. But this technology has brought some negative behaviours out in both Adults and Children.

You may have on occasion been unable to escape the glow of the screen as you looked over your Social Media page or text friends or family. Outside of the bad posture we all seem to be developing from leaning over in to the device, for many they just cannot put it down. While Screen Addiction is not a recognised disorder, for many it is a reality that is impacting their daily lives.

This really becomes an issue for parents who are attempting to discourage the overuse of devices with their own children. Parents should to take the approach of Heal Thyself first. A child will never listen to a parent who displays bad example when it comes to spending all their own time with their face buried in the device. We have even had stories recounted to us from parents who are unable to rise out of the bed in the morning, unless all of the Social Media pages have been accessed and then on to the News sites.



Some Advice for Parents

Children of the Digital Age
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